I’ll work to ensure Bend’s City government supports small-scale developers to build all types of housing (affordable, middle, and market) near existing infrastructure and services. To do that, we need to ensure a predictable and streamlined permitting process for infill housing, small commercial, and storefront projects that make our complete communities vibrant. 

Also, we need to focus infrastructure improvements where they are needed and offer flexibility to retain neighborhood character. For example, we need a plan for walkability that puts sidewalks in place where we need them and allows housing developers flexibility to pay a fee in lieu of sidewalks where they aren’t needed or practical.

It’s time to think bigger. We need some simple revisions to Bend’s Development Code to clear the way to walkable, bikeable, and small business-friendly neighborhoods all across the City. Right now, Bend’s zoning map identifies only a handful of neighborhood commercial zones. Every part of Bend can and should create more space for small businesses that support entrepreneurs, grow our economy, and make “complete communities” come to life. And, with over 2,000 acres of undeveloped land within our existing urban growth boundary we can do it.